"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing." -House

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Uneventful Weekend...

I've never been so glad for a boring weekend in my life. I went out just a few times, watched a lot of tv (roommie and I are finished with season 3 in our Buffython 2007), saw Pirates III (awesome), had a very boring session with my therapist (I think we spent 15 minutes talking about the season finale of Lost), had a mini anxiety attack whilst shopping, and slept a wonderfully long amount of time each morning. I've really narrowed in on my anxiety triggers lately, being forced into waiting in line in a crowded 'Claire's' at the mall while the inept cashier takes inordinate amounts of time giving away 'free' crap that no one wants set me off on a fun little jaunt into anxiety. It didn't help that the two women who were waiting in line behind me were in their 50s, dressed like they were 25, wore so much makeup it made me wonder if they were actually younger than they appeared...tip to those who cake on makeup everyday...it doesn't make you look younger folks. Stick with the face God gave you. These two women were trying on gaudy plastic rings and bracelets, wondering aloud if they should get them or if they looked too 'Claire's'. Um, ladies, hate to burst your bubble, but they look too gaudy, it doesn't matter where you bought them. And while I'm on the subject, when did styles turn in the direction of my jewelery box in 1988? And for the record I was 10 years old at the time and shopped at...hmm....Claires! I think I've figured out their nefarious plan. Wait 20 years and bring the crap that you couldn't sell back out. I think I still have a box of ugly plastic earrings and charm necklaces around somewhere but I'm not breaking them out any time soon for anything but nostalgia. So I endured the anxiety, waited on line to purchase my 2 pairs of (non plastic) earrings in order to secure my third one free. I also walked away with 8 free pens with 'Claires' on them. Joy.
All in all it was a good weekend. Now I'm at work, let the hellishness begin again.


Leila V. said...

lol. I'm headed to Claire's to pick up those pens now! ;)

You're a brave soul going to the movies, that's anxiety suicide for me.

Addie said...

I go so rarely...and only to movies I know will catch my attention fully. Even this movie was a struggle, it was loooong and crowded. But, um, Orlando Bloom. 'Nuff said :o)