"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing." -House

Thursday, May 3, 2007

To medicate or not to medicate

Aah yes, this new medication makes my blood pressure slightly elevated, which to me feels like WAY more than slightly...so my dilemma is do I continue to take the medication in the hopes that it will eventually work? I know all the little pamphlets that come with medications all say that many side effects will go away in time. Not really sure I want to wait and see. Of course my brain being what it is, the side effects could very well be due to the fact that I'm anticipating side effects and thus creating them. The worst symptom I've been experiencing lately is the prickly sensation, like sunburn and pins & needles (without the numbness) mostly on my shoulders, arms and my head. Being that my skin is so pale it's translucent and I'm obsessive about not going out in the sun without sunscreen (don't need more freckles), it's not sunburn. During my anxiety attacks I tend to get a burning in my chest and back similar to this but unlike that, this doesn't go away.
I suppose it's not like I can feel any worse at the moment so I might as well give this medication a few more days to work. Don't doctors know that people with health anxieties don't deal well with medications? I mean, half the time I'm afraid to take *anything* because I'm afraid of the side effects. A paradox indeed.

1 comment:

Leila V. said...

Great post. I go through this same dilemma myself. Although I've never taken medication because I'm ultimately too scared of the side effects.

Let us know how it turns out.