"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing." -House

Monday, June 4, 2007

Were it not that I had bad dreams....

I rarely remember my dreams. Ever. The only times I can even remember dreaming in the first place tends to be when I fall back to sleep in the mornings or if I take a nap in the afternoon. Well, this morning I had a very strange and real dream. I woke up about an hour before I had to get up and I was nervous for some reason. I tossed and turned for a half hour and finally fell back to sleep and had a dream. I dreamt that I woke up and went to take a shower but the lights in the bathroom wouldn't work. I'm not sure why this scared me so much. If it had been reality, I would have been fine because the window in my bathroom provides enough light, even at 5:45 in the morning. But in this dream it was dark and I was paranoid that something would happen if I took a shower in the dark. I'm pretty paranoid about someone knocking out the power in my house in order to break in, so this paranoia isn't new...but in the dream the only lights that wouldn't work were the ones in the bathroom. I called my sister, but got a 'can't connect' message. Why I didn't try to wake my roommate up who is right down the hall is beyond me. Anyway, lo and behold my sister arrives and reassures me and I wake up. I'm not sure why this bothered me so much, but that paranoid, out-of-control feeling followed me as I took a shower (with the lights on) and got ready for work. Where's Freud when I need him?
Well, no real issues to report, other than the fact that I had a hard time going back to sleep this morning when I hit the snooze, laying there listening to my heart beat and feeling like I was about to take a calculus test I was unprepared for. Forget about the fact that today is a normal day in a normal week with nothing whatsoever to be nervous about. I guess I can take comfort in that fact.

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