"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing." -House

Monday, May 7, 2007

The worst has (hopefully) passed

The side effects of my new meds have eased a bit, and with them my anxiety. I got spooked on friday after reading the list of 'medium risk' drug interactions on drugs.com but I'll deal with that hurdle when I actually need to take one of them. It irks me to no end that the beta blocker that the cardiologist tried to get me to take is on the 'medium risk' list. Apparently taking them together could result in one of them increasing it's effectiveness by 3 times. Great. And I disproved my cardiologist in my own highly scientific study over the weekend. I ran up and down the stairs twice and my heart rate was up in the 160s for at least a minute. This is the level that the tests showed me at that he said was due to an arrhythmia. I questioned him several times if it could just be that I'm out of shape and my heart rate goes up when I exercise? Nope, he said. Well ...he was exceedingly helpful. So now I'm feeling relatively 'ok' this morning, save for the throbbing in my ankle which I twisted yesterday and the fact that my shoulders remain ever tense and painful. I need to marry a masseuse. Cause those puppies are *expensive*.

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