"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing." -House

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day Two: optimism becomes me...

"Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies..." -V

Still have the 'icks', as I like to call them. I look at food and say 'ick', the results of the food I manage to eat? 'Ick'. It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I guess I should be thankful that I was a bit overweight before all this started. If I was down around my target weight I'd be in the danger zone by now. Anyway, no more dwelling on the negative. I took the meds again last night (with some food) and managed to sleep without taking anything! I'm very proud of myself. I did make the mistake of taking something this morning because the anti-anxiety meds tend to help with the nausea (a little) and I was desperate to eat something. Big mistake. I am in a state of brain fog I wasn't sure was possible. The floor under my desk is looking like a very pleasant place to nap right now. But no naps for me today! I'm going home, I'm going to go for a 2 mile jog, then see if I can eat something for dinner. Wheeeeee!

1 comment:

Leila V. said...

How's day three, four, five and six? Enquirering minds want to know.

What I wouldn't give to look at food and say "ick." And a 2 mile jog, I'm so impressed.